This weekend was most eventful indeed. Earl came up to visit Friday night and we did a ton of stuff. I made dinner and toured him around campus when he got here Friday night and we went to bed fairly early because we knew we had stuff to do in the morning. Waking up at 8:00, we got ready and made our way to RMAC so I could get dressed for a tae kwon do demonstration. Swinging on a black uniform we piled into a car and drove over to the fair where we set up for the demo. I broke four boards, and was one of the first routines that went. I had a board broken over my leg and head, to indicate I had a firm stance and then I broke the other two with a hammer fist, and a palm strike. We debated about staying for a second demo, but decided that the zoo was higher on the agenda (plus it meant no more boards broken over my head). We went to the John Ball Park Zoo after I found a bathroom to change out of my uniform and I was pleasantly surprised. I thought the zoo would really be on a smaller scale but it had a ton of animals. Tigers, bears, monkeys, and a huge range of other exotic creatures. Ryan came in and met us later because he was still sleeping when I called him around 12 to tell him where we were going, so while he went around seeing the animals we had already viewed, Earl and I got our faces painted (a rainbow and a turtle, guess who got which).
After seeing the whole zoo we went and flew kites and ran through sprinklers, a pretty messy business I might add. We watched a movie and around 12:00 went outside in hopes of star gazing. It was real overcast so we just sat around the pond and talked instead. Met a new friend too. There was lots of other little things we did, and overall it was a pretty action packed weekend.
Now I got to get going and write this paper I have been steadily avoiding. It will be nice when I get it done though, because it's the last one I have to write for the semester. I'll be home in 2 days, and sad but happy to be leaving GVSU for 6 months or so. I'm excited for all the new stuff I know I'll be experiencing, but I know I'll miss all the people I'll be leaving behind!
the zoo looks killer!! and you have pengiune between your legs on that one photo. kooky
James- the plane is goin to KRASH!!!!
Devon-*sniff* i can't beilieve ur leaving us p.x. poke poke
Jacob-leslie y do u have to leave us? i'm sad
P.S hi
For my Tae Kwon Do buddies- I'll be back eventually, and if you keep posting comments on my blog I might remember to pick up some goodies while I'm in Japan. Who knows!
hey leslie it's devon hope ur having fun (fabian really misses u at rmac) u r missed but we are happy for you too! hope u have fun (and i will be leaving more comments so :P ttyl
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