Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Kicking Butt

So I had my tae kwon do testing for my purple belt last Saturday. I'm pretty sure I got it... at least I hope they don't discount me for kicking James in the head. I don't think I'll ever live that one down. I also got to break two boards, one with spin kick and the other with a "superman punch."

After the testing I went home for the weekend, hung out with Mary (she finally saw 300), ate out at olive garden, and visited with Luke and Earl. I had a pretty fabulous time, and was well worn out by Wednesday. Today I did have a double treat by staying for a Hapkido class after my regular 6:00 tae kwon do workout and also going out to dinner with Master Rangel. We had Chinese and talked over tea and potstickers.

I'm really excited for Japan. I'm also super excited for Italy. It seems almost surreal, having everything planned and ready to go. I guess I will just have to flow with everything. The important thing is to stay focused with what's going on now.

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