Sunday, September 2, 2007

In Japan

I just wanted to let people know that I am settled in Japan now. My room in Hikone is wonderful (all to myself) and I am just going through the phases of getting organized. I had to go buy food yesterday, and that was an adventure since I don't really know more then 80 kanji. The store was also surprisingly big, the size of a wallmart at home, just with all Japanese type foods (fish, ramen, and rice). I also had the placement tesuto today, which I did horrific on, but I mean that's why I'm here... to learn.
Anyway I will write again later when classes actually do begin, with pictures!
Ja ne


Anonymous said...

Congrats on testing out on Level 2. You will learn a ton this semester.
Love, Mom

Anonymous said...

Hi Leslie -- glad to hear you made it alright. I've been keeping up with how you are doing from your Mom. Can't wait to see some pictures. You're already starting to sound more Japanese by the writing -- I can't understand what you're saying ;)! Take care -- we all miss you. Love, Aunt Karen

Anonymous said...

Its good to hear that you are safe, and ready to kick some ass in your level 2 class. I really hope you have a fantastic time, and keep me posted on your epic adventure

~Mary, aka caboose

Anonymous said...

Hi Leslie,
I am so glad I can follow your adventures on this site. Good luck in Japan!
Agneta in Sweden

LR said...

Thanks everyone! I'm glad that your looking at my site! It's nice to know that people are following what I'm doing, and I'll try my hardest to keep up with pictures!
Ja ne