We've had a couple safety type lectures that we've had to attend at JCMU thus far, obviously because we are American students in a new place and we are unaware of some of the issues that Japanese citizens deal with on a regular basis. The two big issues are of course earthquakes and tsunami's, but there all also fire and bike safety issues that need to be addressed as well. For our fire safety we got to actually use a fire extinguisher, and for the bike safety we had to do a mock safety course around the parking lot in front of JCMU. A crap ton of people get hit by automobiles in Japan every day, so that's why JCMU makes it mandatory for all students to wear helmets. The safety course was fun, but my poor Japanese didn't really catch anything the police officer really said... but umm I'm sure I'll be ok.
After the safety lesson I met with some Japanese college students, who were taking an online class with some JCMU kids. It was really just a meet and greet, but fun, and that night we actually went out and had food with them, just hung out for awhile. It was a nice social thing to do.
OK, what is the deal with the peace sign in every picture -- am I missing something :)? Or maybe nowadays it means something different than "peace". Anyway, some day you'll look back on all of your pictures and wonder why you were using that hand gesture in every picture! Well, I guess it is better than the other hand gesture you could be using!! :) Love, Aunt Karen
did you try asking someone else what they said.. me and steven am constantly making sure you arn't killing your self back in the states. you worry me leslie.
you know how i said there was a city i wanted you to visit that was in kenshin. it was a place "you have to visit before you die" well read this
The Girl Who Longs For Her Art Student... Love Shock in Hakone Hot Springs
Kenshin and group stay at a hotel but end up working for them instead when they find they have no money to pay the bill. Among those in the hotel is an artist in search of the true meaning of art. He gets one glimpse of Kaoru and sees her as his inspiration.
Later that day, he saw Kaoru and Misao taking a dip in the hot spring together and watched from a tree drawing Kaoru all the while. He was caught and he confessed. So he gets Kaoru to pose for him as a model. So da Vinci (as Sanosuke calls him) gets to draw Kaoru and does so beautifully but he says he hasn't got the essence of Kaoru because he is in love with her. Then Kenshin comes along and Kaoru expects him to say something romantic but his words tip her over the edge and she smacks him.
Misao gets an idea and so Sanosuke agrees to help the artist in his mission for love. The only condition being that the guy would have to defeat Kenshin in the martial arts before sunset (Sanosuke gives him Yahiko's sword). He agrees but is stumped after hearing that Kenshi used to be known as Battousai. Nevertheless, he goes ahead and tries to ambush Kenshi but all his attempts fail.
Finally, Sano, Misao, Yahiko and Kaoru get to him as he is about to swing down on Kenshi and attack. But all goes wrong and he stumbles onto wasps and Sano and Kenshi get him out. There as he is being brought up he sees Kenshi and Kaoru together and gets a look at Kaoru's heart and is happy for once at having found the true meaning of art. He thus leaves out travellers for elsewhere and leaves Kaoru with his final painting of her, which turns out to be a piece of modern art.
creepy i didn't realize it was hikone... and well your there...soo...ya
any ways take care and stay safe
leslie you can drive a bike, I have seen you now officially ride a bike more then i have seen you drive a car.
I still need to join one more club, i missed play auditions, bummer.
But my computer is coming to me this weekend and then i will have skype again and we will be able to talk and then you can tell me all the exciting things that you do in japan that you don't post in you blog because you family reads it. *wink wink*
Missing you more then a sock misses its matching sock when it gets lost in the dryer, and then i sing the background action music to you folding your laundry.
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