Sunday, October 7, 2007

9-28 Flower arranging

Sorry it's been a while since I posted! I hate doing these batch posts (where I post about a bunch of days all at once) but it's really hard to do it any other way just because I'm really busy. I have actually been very stressed, because I have so much going on. All three of my classes are in full swing now Japanese-10 credits (very intensive), Economics and Business, and also my religion class. All three classes at 3 different universities plus everything else I sign up for (flower arranging as an example, and I'm soon to start Kendo) and this is all on top of my travels.

I may sound stressed, but I absolutely love being this busy. I think it's more fun this way. No missed opportunities, especially in my case.

So the 28th of September I did flower arranging. It is an art that is supposed to reflect the inner part of one's soul. I was very excited to try out this Japanese art, but I soon found out... I really sucked at it. I think I had probably the worst piece there. Even afterwards when Melville Sensei was looking at everyone's piece and making little comments she said, "and Risak san's.... hmm", and then she moved quickly onto the next piece. I didn't even get a comment like hmmmm interesting... It was just kind of a let's quickly move past this piece, hahaha. Oh well the important part was that I had fun!
Oh by the way I think Jenni (l'roomate) and Krystin had the best 2 pieces there, so you can say I was really overshadowed. It was kind of depressing too because it seems like if I was good at flower arranging I could be like, see I am good at doing something girly... but no.

(Ps, mine looks like an explosion, I suppose that in some senses reflects an inner part of my soul. Oh and I forgot to mention there's a KFC in Hikone, I'm saved!)

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